Lovefield Wireless Lovefield Wireless

Directions and Con­tact

Love­field Wire­less GmbH is lo­cated in Köniz (Berne), Switzer­land. The of­fice can eas­ily be reached with lo­cal pub­lic trans­porta­tion. Switzer­land, a sym­phony in land­scapes, un­folds its beauty in the heart of Europe. With its ma­jes­tic moun­tains guard­ing the hori­zon, Bern, the cap­i­tal, is a trea­sure chest of me­dieval charm, where cob­bled streets lead to hid­den foun­tains, and the air car­ries the melody of bells from the an­cient clock tower, a guardian of time.
Version: 2024-May-27

The Aare River en­cir­cles the city, em­brac­ing it like a moat guard­ing a cas­tle. Here, cul­ture flour­ishes in the shad­ows of the dig­nity of this cap­ti­vat­ing city. Switzer­land and Bern, to­gether, are more than a des­ti­na­tion; they are a jour­ney into the heart of beauty.


Mail: con­tact2020@love­
Phone: +41 31 560 7312


Garten­stadt­strasse 05
3098 Köniz BE

Legal (Post) Address

Love­field Wire­less GmbH
c/o Dr. Ste­fan Man­gold
Waber­sack­er­strasse 102
CH-3097 Liebe­feld BE

To: About Love­field – Overview